Does Jesus Really Want Us All to Sacrifice? - The Whole Church Podcast

Episode 130

Does Jesus Really Want Us All to Sacrifice?

Gregory Coles, author of "Single, Gay Christian" joins us to discuss his testimony and whether or not he believes there can be Christian unity between those who disagree over the matter of same-sex marriages. He discusses his call into singleness and we ask about his take on gay-affirming arguments in the Church. We discuss both the strengths and weaknesses in Matthew Vine's affirming argument in his book, "God and the Gay Christian". Whether one believes that anyone who is saved needs to be straight or have their orientation changed, or if they believe the Bible affirms same-sex relationships, or if they believe that acting on attraction of the same-sex is sinful and choose to be single - can we agree to disagree?


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The Whole Church Podcast

About your hosts

Profile picture for Joshua Noel

Joshua Noel

I am from Knoxville, TN. Grew up in Florida and Charlotte, NC. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies, am preparing to attend Law School at the University of South Carolina, have co-hosted "The Whole Church Podcast" with my best friend TJ Blackwell for four years, and I have been involved in local ministries for 15 years now. I'm pretty huge into hermeneutics, U.S. Constitutional Law, and Biblical theology, and my favorite TV show is "Doctor Who".

Profile picture for TJ Blackwell

TJ Blackwell

TJ was born and now lives. He now co-hosts The Whole Church podcast

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